Recent months have seen more collisions on the junction between Waungron Road and Western Avenue. Residents fear road safety will deteriorate as the Labour-run Cardiff Council’s misconceived bus interchange development on Waungron Road converts roads around Western Avenue into rapid bus corridors and bus lanes that will lead to increased traffic and delayed journeys.
Pressure on local roads from Cardiff Council’s top-down Local Development Plan for 42,000 more houses is increasingly in evidence as more cars are channelled through the local area. Llandaff Conservatives have secured a new Toucan crossing and safety barriers on Western Avenue at Caewal Road junction.
Conservative candidates for Llandaff in May’s Cardiff Council elections Councillor Sean Driscoll and Matt Smith said: “We have called for more safety cameras, vehicle activated speed warning signs and a local speed awareness campaign. We urgently need these measures.”
They added: “Cardiff Council’s overdevelopment of Cardiff West is bringing more cars on to already congested roads in Llandaff. Western Avenue already resembles a racetrack. We urgently need to enforce the 30mph limit along this stretch, to improve safety for cyclists, pedestrians and motorists. We’ve asked that a new traffic report into speed of traffic be undertaken.”